III Publishing

Fortuna in Classical Greece and Rome

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This is used for reference elsewhere at III Publishing. It is excerpted from The University Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Knowledge published in 1902

"Fortuna, in mythology, daughter of Oceanus according to Homer, or one of the Parcae according to Pindar, was the goddess of fortune, and from her hand were derived riches and poverty, pleasures and pains, blessings and misfortunes. She was worshipped in different parts of Greece.

Bupalus was the first who modeled a statue of Fortune for the people of Smyrna, and he represented her with the polar star upon her head, and the horn of plenty in her hand.

The Romans held her in high esteem, and had no less than eight different temples erected to her honor in their city. She is generally represented blindfolded, and holding a wheel in her hand, as an emblem of inconstancy. Sometimes she appears with wings."

[from page 2460 in volume four. I have taken the liberty to add line breaks to make the text more readable. - William P. Meyers]

See also the Wikipedia article: Fortuna

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