
Most people think vampires are fiction, but our research has shown they may be very real, indeed. You'll want to get Vampires Or Gods and follow the extra notes and ongoing research available at this web-site.


The proof of the allegations in Vampires Or Gods? lies in ancient texts. You can check these ancient texts for yourself from the References Page.

The Vampire Notes section contains information about Osiris, Isis, Cybele, Dionysus, Hercules, Mithras, Romulus, Quetzalcoatl, Dracula, Cortez, Jesus, Caligula and other historical figures who were probably vampires.

We publish vampire fiction. In our book section you can read a sample chapter of: The Last Days of Christ the Vampire and Virgintooth.

There are lots of other vampire sites on the web. We'll be adding links to some of the most interesting ones.

Help fight right-wing Christian hysteria and support this site and be outrageously fashionable! Buy a "Jesus Lives, Vampires Never Die" T-Shirt.

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Dark Howler