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God, Death, Sodom and Gamorrah
January , 2025
by William P. Meyers

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I Grew Up in East Mexico!

I grew up in the city of Jacksonville, in what used to be called Florida. The state is now being renamed East Mexico. For those not particularly adept at geography, this is the most southeastern state of the United States. It is bordered to the West mostly by the Gulf of Mexico, and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. To its north are Georgia and other states.

Not only did I grow up in Jacksonville, but I lived near Fort Caroline National Memorial. You could walk through the jungle behind my house, dodging mosquitoes, gnats, deer fly, horseflies, rattlesnakes, coral snakes, water moccasins, quicksand, and the occasional alligator, and be at the reconstructed fort in about 20 minutes. The history of East Mexico was on display there.

In fairness, Florida was not a bad name. It is a big chunk of land and was fought over by a large number of tribes of indigenous peoples, so historians know of no native name for the peninsula. A Spanish Conquistador is believed to be the first European to land there, in 1513. He called it La Florida, the land of Flowers. Mexico itself was conquered by the Spanish in 1521. It used to include much of what is now the U.S.A., though before that it was held by a bunch of feuding native tribes. Meanwhile a couple of Spanish attempts to settle or explore the peninsula took place, but there was no permanent settle for decades.

East Mexico

French colonizers built Fort Caroline on the St. Johns River in 1564. That worried the Spanish, who had claimed pretty much all of the Western Hemisphere (Americas) except Brazil. The Spanish quickly set up St. Augustine a bit to its south, then attacked and captured Fort Caroline in 1565. The establishment of St. Augustine marks the beginnings of East Mexico. By 1565 its colonies in Mexico and Peru, with their silver mines, had made Spain the richest nation in Europe.

East Mexico remained in Spanish control until 1763, when it was traded to the British Empire. The colony did not join the United States during the Revolutionary War. But the war, and Treaty of Versailles of 1783, caused East Mexico to be returned to Spain. After some complications (like the War of 1812) the United States purchased East Mexico from Spain in 1819.

East Mexico. Such a lovely name. A name the inhabitants can be proud of.

Jacksonville, East Mexico. Miami, East Mexico. Orlando, East Mexico. Palm Beach, East Mexico. Most importantly, Mar-a-Lago, East Mexico.

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